Who should use this document

You should use this installation process when your IT department wants complete control over every aspect of the installation process, what virtual machine software is used, etc. 

  • If you are unfamiliar with the setup of virtual machines, linux, or other IT-related administrative tasks, please choose the simplified installation process.

Note: This article assumes the user has a solid background in working with virtual machines, linux, and general administration. 


The Network License Server is a local server, running on a virtual machine, whose purpose is to manage the licenses of client applications running on a local area network (LAN.)  This LAN may or may not be connected to the Internet.

Hardware Requirements

You must have a computer with an IP address on your internal network that can be resolved by all machines that will be consuming a license. This computer must be capable of running a virtual machine.

Software Configuration

1. Download the components

  1. A Linux virtual machine disk image, where we provide a choice of KVM and VMWARE formats. You are are responsible for proper licensing of all Virtual Machine software, where applicable.
  2. A PostgeSQL database, which will be installed on the virtual machine.
  3. The Nalpeiron Daemon package, which will also be installed on the virtual machine.


2. Install the Virtual Machine disk image

  1. Download either the KVM or the VMWARE image according to your preference
  2. The KVM image is provided in the .raw format while the VMWARE image is provided as a .vmdk virtual disk.   Please consult the documentation for your chosen virtualization platform for details on how to import virtual machine images in the required format.  The default login credentials for the VM are:
  3. For security, you are advised to change these as soon as possible.
  4. Open either the KVM or VMWARE package within your virtual machine software.

3. Install the Daemon Components

After the virtual machine has been installed, copy into it the database and daemon RPM files.  This can be done, e.g., by setting up a shared directory using VMWare Tools or by using Samba.   Then install the packages by entering the following commands in a shell:

yum -y install <database rpm file>
yum -y install <daemon rpm file>


It is required that the database file is installed before the daemon.


Following installation, the daemon should be accessible on your network.  To obtain the daemon's IP address, type the following command into a command shell:

ifconfig -a

The daemon IP address is that associated with the default network device (eth0 in our example below) and we see that here it is

4. Test the installation

Test whether the installation was completed successfully by pointing a web browser to the IP address of the daemon. It is important this IP address can be resolved by all computers that will need to consume licenses. A successful installation will yield the following login screen at this IP address:

Next Step: Configuring the Network Daemon Administrator Panel