There are specific customizations that will improve your experience when using a high resolution monitor. There are 3 main factors that determine what a software program looks like on your monitor:

  1. The physical size of your monitor (e.g. 13" laptop screen vs a 27" desktop screen)
  2. The monitor's resolution (e.g. 1920x1080)
  3. The Windows Scale Factor / DPI setting (e.g. 250%).

When resolutions are large and the Windows Scale Factor is low, especially on smaller monitors, the general result is that Windows programs appear smaller and can be more difficult to interact with. Alibre Design offers several options that increase the size of certain items, making them easier to see and interact with.

Step 1: From a Part, Assembly, Sheet Metal, or Drawing workspace, select the Gem Menu and click System Options near the bottom of the menu.

Step 2: In the System Options menu select the Design Viewing node under Parts/Assemblies. Scroll to the bottom and select a larger value for Reference geometry and sketch thickness.

Step 3: Click the Sketching node under Parts/Assemblies and set the Sketch constraints size and Sketch node size options to a larger value.

Step 4: Select the Sketching node option under Drawings and set the Sketch constraints size and Sketch node size options to a larger value.

Step 5: If you use toolbars, select the General node under Display and change the Toolbar Icon Size to a larger value.