Following these guidelines should help to minimize problems, it will also make later editing easier on the whole.

  1. Keep 2D sketches simple - they'll be easier to understand, and easier to edit (when necessary).
  2. When using Real-Time Dimensioning, pressing the Tab button will allow you to toggle between linear and angular dimensions.
  3. Sketch constraints are typically more efficient than adding dimensions - less clicks, less clutter.
  4. If sketch dimensions are in the way, you can always click and drag them out of the way, or you can toggle them off completely by clicking the Toggle Sketch Dimensions button in the Sketch Options section of the Ribbon. 
  5. Your sketches should always be actual size, i.e. 1:1   (scaling for 2D drawings is handled elsewhere).
  6. Though you can mirror and pattern in a 2D sketch - that adds complexity (see item 1).  Fillets and chamfers are also available within sketches.  However, it is recommended to carry out these operations as 3D features rather than in sketches.
  7. You can import 2D DXF or DWG features into 2D sketches - however, these imports often need 'cleaning up' - creating your own sketch from scratch is often more reliable.